Leadership for Transition (LiFT) 2.0
While we are still updating this page, please check out either
- our previous website for more information, or
- the LiFT project website: http://leadership-for-transition.eu/?page_id=100
Thank you!
Leadership for Transition (LiFT) 1.0
While we are still updating this page, please check out either
- our previous website for more information, or
- the LiFT project website: http://leadership-for-transition.eu/?page_id=100
Thank you!
Project title: Environmental and natural education for a sustainable world (ENESWO)
GRUNDTVIG EU Learning Partnership for Lifelong Learning and Sustainable Education
Involved partners:
- Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences of the University of Utrecht,
- WWF Turkey/Istanbul
6 transnational meetings and seminars for up to 20 participants in the three participating countries