Integral Politics

Integral Politics and Coherence

The Strategic Partnership Cohere+ explores the quality of what we call coherence in social fields, in particular the field of of social change makers working towards transformative change. The underlying assumption is that if groups of people are in a coherent state, cooperation flows much more easily and effortlessly than if there was some kind of unaddressed tension or conflict in the shared relational space.

(Why) should we (not) negotiate with Putin‘s Russia?

On December 12, 2023, Dr. Elke Fein gave a lecture at the Dutch Center for Human Emergence's Salon.

Topic: (Why) should we (not) negotiate with Putin‘s Russia?

Elke presented her developmentally informed perspective on Russian politics and history based on 25 years of social and political science exploration.

The presentation is available online at:

HOT OFF THE PRESS: "Integral Politics" by Elke Fein & Co-authors

"Foundations, Principles and Inspirational Resources of Integral Politics" by IFIS' executive director Dr. Elke Fein and five co-authors (English edition) is now available (published on May 18, 2023).

The book will be published as volume 2 of our IFIS publication series "Integral Studies".