Center for Integral Politics (CIP)

Reinventing Politics

The Center for Integral Politics (CIP) connects, coordinates and integrates existing theoretical perspectives and practical approaches of integral/collaborative/TEAL politics, promotes and disseminates research results and best practices, and provide advice and interventions. The (CIP) bundles and consolidates IFIS' activities in the field of integral social design. It works towards a paradigm shift in politics by promoting cooperative and co-creative thinking and practices in politics as a prerequisite for revitalizinng political cultures and institutions and for generating fresh impulses for democracy in Europe.

The multiple crises of our time make clear the degree of urgency of the challenge of comprehensively reorganizing and regenerating our ways of life and, linked to this, our economic systems to more and more people and fellow-citizens.

At the same time, democratic political systems are facing a crisis of legitimacy due to increasing criticism, nationalist tendencies and tensions between divergent values and ideas of cooperation in Europe and beyond. Parties are increasingly behaving like companies selling their content through marketing strategies. Many citizens experience a gap between political decision-making and their everyday lives. To bridge this gap, we need new forms of decision-making that bring decision-making closer to the citizens concerned. 

The vision of integral politics offers a variety of approaches and methods for a profound transformation of society and politics, with the help of which new, much more effective, global solutions can be found.

The Center for Integral Politics works towards a paradigm shift in politics, enhancing more collaborative mindsets and practices in politics as a precondition for re-inspiring political cultures and institutions, and thus, for building new momentum for the European project. 

The core mission of the Center for Integral Policy (CIP) is to promote and support the development of integral political cultures, as well as of appropriate institutional forms, processes and practices.

For an overview of the 10 essential principles of integral politics, click here.


Fields of work, formats and activities 

The Center for Integral Politics encompasses research and development on the topic of integral politics as well as educational and practical formats. The latter are bundled in the School for Integral Politics.


Action research / EU-Projects

Lead: Dr. Elke Fein / Dr. Bettina Geiken


Youtube channel "Pioneers of Politics" (POP)


Integral Political Salon

  • European Integrael Political Salon (EIPS, since January 2023)
  • German language Salon (IPS, Since 6.7.2021)

(for specific sessions see events)


IFIS Online Colloquium

Sessions focusing on politics:




Integral Politics Resources and Links:

- The Daily Alternative:

- Building a New Culture (BNC):

Link list on integral politics resources in Special Issue "Integrale Politik (partly in German)

- Podcast The Daily Evolver (Jeff Salzman):

- Podcast Thinking Ahead (Carter Phipps):

- Politics Reinvented - collection of ideas:

Lex Paulson on next stage politics and collective intelligence