BNC | Federation

On Saturday 29 August 2020, from 2 to 4.30 p.m. in the Kursaal Bern, the International Federation of the national BNCs was founded. For this purpose, 45 members of the pBNC present unanimously approved the basic Fundamental Principles of the Federation BNC. It is an ideational text which is intended to give national BNCs a coherence, a uniformity in the diversity of countries. The Federation will take over essential functions of the October 2019 Federal pBNC, in particular the support of the development of national BNCs and the promotion of their cooperation, as well as the management of this website. Gil Ducommun was appointed Managing Director of the Federation BNC on 29 August.

At a later stage, once three national BNCs have been created, statutes will provide also legal security for the Federation.

With the foundation of BNC Switzerland, the pBNC is dissolved. For reasons of efficiency, the Federation will initially be attached to BNC-Switzerland.

> Fundamental Principles of the Federation BNC

Members, total and per country:

30.1.2021 Total 200: CH: 152 / DE: 30 / AT: 8 / Burkina Faso: 6 / FR: 2 / div: 2 (incl. matronage/patronage)

On September 19, 2020 BNC counted 190 members: CH 139, DE 33, AT 8, Burkina Faso 5, div. 5, plus 4 Matronage members

On August 15, 2020 proBNC counted 138 members:: CH 89, DE 30, AT 8, Burkina Faso 5

On March 26, 2020 proBNC counted 100 members: CH 66; DE 20; AT 7; Burkina Faso 3

At the end of 2019 proBNC counted 66 Mitglieder.

On October 19, 2019 proBNC counted 37 Mitglieder.

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