European Integral Political Salon 3

Zoom conference


The European Integral Political Salon (EIPS) is a format for inviting a transnational conversation about new, more holistic ways of doing politics, and for transforming our existing political systems towards a new paradigm/integral operating system.

The Salon is conceived as a joyful, interactive and explorative gathering, with both inspirational input from experts and practitioners in the field, as well as space for dialog, sharing and exchange about the implications of a holistic/integral paradigm in the realm of politics. We hope that it will also facilitate co-creative, emergent processes of tapping into a deeper transnational, transrational collective intelligence and wisdom, in service of the larger common good.

Read a report about our EIPS n° 1 here.


Topic in focus in 2023:
Innovative political parties - trying out new ways of doing politics inside our currently existing political systems

This time, we will look at an emerging project of a "a politics-repair party", to be founded (for the time being for Austria) by our guests on the initiative of Stefan Schartlmüller (see below). The party is conceived as a system party, yet seeks to transform the political system in more holistic directions. The co-founders write: 
"We want to bring Art of Hosting principles and potentials, i.e. contemporary communication culture and methods, into the political structures. As a first focus, we want to address the democratic deficits more strongly in the sense of a 'program' and work on them in open processes (including random selection). We want to invest the high level of party funding in Austria in these processes instead of in party academies as usual."


Guests/inspirational speakers:
Stefan Schartlmüller, Ursula Hillbrand, Politik Reparatur Partei (Reparing Politics Party, Austria)

Stefan Schartlmüller    Ursula Hillbrand




The salon will be held digitally over zoom, here is the Zoom link:

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Meeting-ID: 897 0496 8590
Kenncode: 706605