As presented in an earlier European Integral Political Salon, IFIS has co-developed a SenseMaker survey (so-called capture) together with Complexity Partners and the pan-European VOLT party. For more infos see….
This capture has now been launched and is open for citizens across Europe to fill in their observations about and experiences with democracy in Europe. How is it working? How satisfied are you as a citizen with how democracy operates in your country? Do you feel you have a say in important matters? How well is democracy prepared to face autoritarian threats throughout the world?
Join us for an exciting journey into joint sensemaking around the future of democracy in Europe!
Presenters / Hosts:
Roberto Bonino (VOLT Europe), Dr. Elke Fein (IFIS)
About the Salon:
The European Integral Political Salon (EIPS) is a format for inviting a transnational conversation about new, more holistic ways of doing politics, and for transforming our existing political systems towards a new paradigm/integral operating system.
The Salon is conceived as a joyful, interactive and explorative gathering, with both inspirational input from experts and practitioners in the field, as well as space for dialog, sharing and exchange about the implications of a holistic/integral paradigm in the realm of politics. We hope that it will also facilitate co-creative, emergent processes of tapping into a deeper transnational, transrational collective intelligence and wisdom, in service of the larger common good.