IDGs and Integral Politics - the Marriage of Depth and Power

Caux Palace


Workshop at the Caux Inner Development Goals Forum


Caux Palace

The IDGs have been created to give due attention to the inner dimensions of human development, which have been severely neglected to date in view of achieving the SDGs. This makes them an essential contribution to a more holistic perspective on and approach to the necessary systemic change, in other words: to a new, integrated paradigm of politics.

A qualitatively new, integral paradigm of understanding and doing politics goes far beyond politics as usual by systematically incorporating the inner dimensions of individual and societal development –thus taking a much deeper, broader and more long-term horizon.

This workshop introduces the basic principles of integral politics and invites participants into a joint exploration of their relationship with the IDGs framework. It also offers some space for experiencing both through practical examples and exercises. Its aim is to inspire and enthuse participants to contribute to real change both in their local environments and on a larger scale, based on a new, more holistic political vision and culture.

Organizer/Convener:  Dr. Elke Fein (IFIS)

For an overview of the whole program, see here