Online Colloquium n° 65: Indigeneity and Development: Are we missing something?

Date and time
2 Stunden
Zoom conference

Prof. Dr. Mark Edwards


This colloquium will be a discussion of the relationship between Indigenous and integrative studies. Some topics to be covered include indigeneity and stage theory, indigeneity and sustainability, Indigeneity and the European Enlightenment. These topics present Indigenous world views as an important source of challenge to may contemporary Big Picture approaches including metamodern, integral, capitalist and Marxist views.  

Mark Edwards

Mark Edwards PhD is a member of IFIS' advisory board. He teaches and researches in the fields of organizational sustainability, transformation and ethics. The importance of metatheoretical research for the development of integrative social science has been a guiding theme throughout all his writings and pedagogical work with students.

His PhD was published by Routledge (“Organisational Transformation for Sustainability: An Integral Metatheory”). He has published in a number of academic journals including, Mind, Culture and Activity, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Business Ethics Education, Journal of Organisational Change Management and Systems Research and Behavioural Science. After several years as a lecturer with Jönköping International Business School, Jönköping University, Sweden, Mark has now returned to his native Australia.