Online Colloquium Nr. 72: Co-creative Dialogue:  How can we serve the emerging future with fun, lightness and skills?

Date and time
2 Stunden
Zoom conference

IFIS & Guests (Dr. Bettina Geiken, Michael Keller, MA i.a.) 



What is the world calling for? And what might that call forth in us to become? 

As IFIS, how can we serve the emerging future with fun, lightness and skills amidst messy and disruptive realities?

 This Colloquium started out as a teaser for a new IFIS format, a three-part seminar on body-mindedness planned for early 2025 with the Canadian educator and communication expert Michael Keller and IFIS board member Dr Bettina Geiken. 

But when preparing this seminar, our in-depth exploration took us into elements of a bigger vision, connected to creating a IFIS-Integral Learning & Wisdom Space whose approach to learning and transformation would be based on radically working with what is, in the present and embodied.

This includes the transformative and embodied skills of presencing with lightness, of having fun to engage with each other in the here and now, of un-learning and un-knowing current givens and of joyfully exploring non-linear possibilities. 

Moreover, one of our assumptions is that these are essential preconditions for overcoming and “hospicing” what has proven to be a mindset, cultural code and operating system whose time is coming to its natural end.

In this Colloquium, we would like to invite you to join us in this highly interactive exploration of stepping into the un-known, to share the joy of co-creating questions and new perspectives and let collective intelligence take over, as we simply witness what it is that wants to emerge. We thus hope to build momentum for this kind of learning space for IFIS and like-minded endeavors.  

Here is some more info about the concept of body-mindedness:

Interestingly, much research has revealed that our bodies have ways of knowing that are not directly connected to our conscious mind in ways that can support new perspectives and inform our possibilities for making meaning and different choices (a sense-making process). In short, utilizing our body in ways that can offer experiences that our conscious mind had not considered before…

Our body and our mind are not separate, they are necessarily interdependent. Becoming more aware and practiced in noticing our body sensations, habits, and patterns – and the meaning we make – can assist in opening new insights and choice-making versatility. We will explore this together in practicing a couple foundational practices with a handout detailing the process as a take-away.

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Michael Keller

Michael Keller holds a Masters in Intercultural Communications from Antioch University and has been an innovative consultant and educator for 35 years.

He is dedicated to building collaborative, multicultural relationships supporting personal, professional, and organization effectiveness -- developing ‘artistry’ in change agents for addressing emerging, complex challenges. He is a seasoned OD consultant, designing and delivering whole-systems engagement in private, public, non-profit, and education sectors, with an emphasis on constructivist, experiential/adult/transformative learning applied in real-time, real-life settings. These days, he focuses primary attention on Design of the Designer®.

Michael lives in Victoria, BC, Canada where he enjoys organic gardening, exploring ways humans make meaning and choices, living lightly on the planet and, occasionally, singing in the shower (when no one else can hear, of course).

Bettina Geiken

My journey started with a Ph.D. in natural sciences, then I moved into EU-project design in international development for many years focusing on strategies for sustainable urban development and intercultural/institutional capacity building. Extensive awareness training around inner change alongside the project work with culturally highly diverse stakeholders led almost naturally to my current focus in adult development, complex-adaptive systems, and sensemaking.

My strengths lie in picking up subtle signals in a system, sensing possible blind spots, trends as well as detecting resonating players from different fields. I thoroughly enjoy connecting co-creators and using, as the Tao describes it, “the creating factor of absence” to find the “creative gaps” wherever they might be needed. Understanding how to navigate complexity from the inside out bears so many unexplored opportunities.

Bettina is a full member of IFIS and a member of the board. She is currently co-coordinating IFIS's Cohere+ project.