Dr. Bettina Geiken, Angelika Pohnitzer (IFIS)
What if it wasn't about either - or, business or world care?
How can we navigate the apparent polarity between for profit and non-profit work, mindset, focus and processes? Could something productively new emerge from it? What are we not seeing or overlooking?
In this session we would like to invite you to join a space that allows for inquiry, co-creation and fun. In the first part, we will focus on generating "questions only", no answers!! And then we take it from there.
Please bring your most visionary/altruistic/compassionate/purpose-driven/money-minded/achiever/value-creating selves along....we need them all...just as your crazy ideas around this topic that nobody seems to understand....
This colloqium is supported by the Cohere+ Project and the Erasmus+ Programme of the EU.