Leadership for Transition (LiFT) 3.0 - Politics

Project lead
Dr. Elke Fein, Dr. Bettina Geiken
vorgesehener Zeitraum
Start date
End date

LiFT politics is an action research project that explores political innovations and transformative visions for a new politics based on a holistic/integral paradigm.


Project summary:​​​​​​​

LiFT 3.0 – Politics_project summary 2019.

Project Folder




1. Dialogues Facilitation Gothenburg (DFG), Sweden, www.dialogues.se
2. Institut für Zukunftskompetenzen (IFZ), Austria, www.zukunftskompetenzen.at
3. SelfLeaders (SL), Sweden, www.selfleaders.com
4. European Citizens Initiative (ECI), Germany, www.citizens-initiative.eu/#home
5. University of Oslo (UoO), Norway, Department of Sociology and Human Geography
​​​​​​​6. Entz-von-Zerssen, Caspari & Partners (EZCP), Germany, https://ezc.partners/


Project status