Published 3 Jahre her
Zuletzt aktualisiert 3 Jahre her
As part of the EU-funded CADRA project, Bernhard Possert is (co-)hosting the next Salon on Applied Dialictics focusing on Nick Shannon's work on Metathinking and Applications thereof.
- Tue Sept 21st 2021, 7pm CET / 12.00 noon CST
-; Room-Nr 4078847969, pw "lebt"
CAD Salons always contain these elements: information, experience, reflection and connection.
Here are the next upcoming dates (always 7pm CET / 12 noon CST):
- Graham Boyd, Illustrating the 28 Dialectic Thoughtforms through their application in the system described in the book "Rebuild: Leadership, the Economy and You" - A toolkit for builders of a better world; Oct 7th 2021
- Otto Laske, in dialogue with Graham Boyd, Rainer von Leoprechting, Nick Shannon, Alan Snow, Jan de Visch and Iva Vurdelja : The old and the new CDF - Cognitive Developmental Framework; Oct 19th 2021
- Jan de Visch, The Practice of Deliberately Developmental Facilitation in Organizational Development: The use of digital and analog tools to strengthen critical reflection and enhance learning; Tue Nov 23rd 2021
- Daniel Goertz (topic to be determined); Mo 10th January 2022
- Roman Angerer, The Role of Dialectics in Homeostatic Hierarchical Integration through Communicative Action; Wed 16th Feb 2022
- Ted Strauss, Carole Griggs, topic tbd, probably related to their book "iConscious: Accelerating Human Potential", see also; Thu 19th May 2022
Please share the invitations freely and contact Bernhard for more information.