Overcoming polarization in crises: Research Report is out now!

The Research Report is out now!

Overcoming polarization in crises:

A research project on trauma and democracy with over 350 citizens

Download report here: https://pocketproject.org/collective-trauma-democracy/

The complexity and dynamics of current crises pose major challenges to democracy. In crises, fears grow and social polarization increases. Crises also evoke personal and collective traumatic memories. Finding orientation and cohesion becomes an urgent task for the preservation of democracy.

The research question was:

Can understanding and more consciously dealing with collective trauma dynamics help strengthen our democracy and overcome polarization?

And this is what we found:

Bild entfernt.

Thanks to: Mehr Demokratie e.V. The Pocket Project Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS) Institut für integrale Studien / Institute for Integral Studies (IFIS) The Cynefin Company (formerly Cognitive Edge)

Great Work by:Thomas Hübl, PhD, Roman HUBER, Kosha Joubert, Anne Caspari, Beth Smith, Dr. Elke Fein,@Adrian Wagner, Judith Strasser and Niko Schäpke, Claudine Nierth and Dieter Halbach as well as many others.

#DemokratieUndTrauma  #conflictresolution  #trauma #polarization #democracy #traumainformed #traumaawareness #PolarisierungÜberwinden #LebendigeDemokratie #SinnFindung #SenseMaker #SenseMaking #complexity #governance #traumainformierteDemokratie #metamodern #collaboration #collectivetrauma #transformativescience #transformativeresearch

Read more and download: https://pocketproject.org/collective-trauma-democracy/

