Online Colloquium n° 66 - Climate simulation

Datum und Uhrzeit
2 Stunden
Zoom conference

Roberto Bonino, Lucia Levato, Lusval


En-ROADS is a dynamic global climate simulator that displays how around 30 policies impact hundreds of different aspects, such as the price of energy, the temperature, the air quality, and the rate at which sea levels are rising. Developed by Climate Interactive, the MIT Sloan Sustainability Initiative, and Ventana Systems, En-ROADS is based on system dynamics, it is carefully grounded in the best available science and has been calibrated against a wide range of existing integrated assessment models encompassing climate and energy.

The En-ROADS Climate Workshop is a group activity where people work together to evaluate possible ways to fight climate change. In the workshop, solutions for climate change are suggested, such as using less energy, putting a price on carbon, taxing fossil fuels, reducing deforestation, and getting rid of carbon dioxide. En-ROADS Climate Solutions Simulator is used to run the proposed solutions and show participants the immediate effect on global temperature and other parameters. The workshop can be run online or in person. People from different backgrounds and levels of familiarity with climate change can learn from this experience.

The Climate Action Simulation is a highly interactive, role-playing game that allows people to experience the perspectives of key stakeholders in the climate emergency and explore solutions that must be implemented collaboratively in order to address climate change. Taking part in the Climate Action Simulation boosts both personal and emotional engagement to address climate change.

En-ROADS has captivated global audiences ranging from the United States Congress to the United Nations and the Energy Transition Forum in London. For examples see:

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Roberto Bonino started out as a physicist yet has spent the last twenty years working in business, education, and technology as an entrepreneur, researcher, and educator in these areas. He launched his first Internet-related business in the early 2000s. After that, he founded and directed a business school and a career transition firm. With LUSVAL, he promotes commitment and agility in the workplace through the implementation of new forms of governance based on autonomy and responsibility. His mission as an En-ROADS ambassador is to educate the public on the importance of using a system dynamic approach to addressing climate change.



Lucia Levato is a certified coach, Ph.D., and the founder of LUSVAL, fosters team commitment and agility by enabling co-creation and collective intelligence. She coaches professionals at different stages of their careers from young professionals to managers. Her experience coordinating multicultural remote teams encompasses four decades of project management, teaching, and research in the energy sector, higher education, and academia. In addition to her initiatives and studies on the effects of the energy and ecological transition on the career paths of geoscientists, Lucia is engaged in mentoring programs for the advancement of women in science.